NW Portland Recycler Earns Award for Sustainability at State Conference GreenWay Recycling recognized by the Association of Oregon Recyclers

NW Portland Recycler Earns Award for Sustainability at State Conference GreenWay Recycling recognized by the Association of Oregon Recyclers

Portland, OR-June 18, 2024— GreenWay Recycling received a Sustainable Oregon Award at the Association of Oregon Recyclers ( AOR) Sustainable Oregon Conference this week held at
the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel.

“We are grateful to the association for recognizing that sustainable materials m anagement is at
th e heart of GreenWay’s operations and innovation is built into our DNA ,” said GreenWay
founder and CEO Terrell Garrett after receiving the a ward. GreenWay is a mixed construction
and demolition (C&D) sorting and processing materials recovery facility (MRF) in Northwest

The Association’s Sustainable Oregon Awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made exceptional contributions regarding materials management across the state. AOR is committed to a system of sustainable materials management by supporting dedicated partners in the recycling community like GreenWay.
“Through vision, innovation, mechanization and a lot of determination, GreenWay has become one of the best commercial and demolition recyclers in the nation,” said Jeff Murray, Business Development Director for EFI Recycling (Environmental Fibers International) in North Portland, who presented the award to GreenWay. “Terrell is a dreamer and a builder, constantly questioning and always learning. Some of his best lessons have been what NOT to do.”

“This award should be shared by all of us working hard thinking of new and better ways to keep waste out of the landfills,” added Garrett. “We encourage others to try things outside the box.” Sustainable materials management is at the core of GreenWay’s business. The facility provides various services to contractors, builders, haulers, and businesses related to the recovery of C&D while also ensuring as little construction waste as possible reaches landfills.

“GreenWay has been contributing to the Portland area’s economy for decades and is well
positioned for growth in the future,” noted Terri Ward, Executive Director and CEO of the
Construction a nd Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA) in a letter of support for
GreenWay’s AOR award nomination. “GreenWay is truly leading the way in Oregon for C&D
recycling. “

GreenWay Recycling utilizes unique practices and innovative systems that contribute to
GreenWay Recycling utilizes unique practices and innovative systems that contribute to their their exceptional performance for sustainable materials management. The facility’s recent $7 million exceptional performance for sustainable materials management. The facility’s recent $7 million improvement project included many components, some DIY, others commercially manufactured, improvement project included many components, some DIY, others commercially manufactured, which members of thewhich members of the C & D recovery sector C & D recovery sector consider consider replicatreplicating ing for their business models.for their business models.

“I appreciate collaborating with our partners like GreenWay in the industry on a shared vision for
“I appreciate collaborating with our partners like GreenWay in the industry on a shared vision for recycling C&D material,” explained Rutger Zweers, Vice President for Sales Engineering at recycling C&D material,” explained Rutger Zweers, Vice President for Sales Engineering at Sparta Manufacturing in a letter of suppSparta Manufacturing in a letter of support for GreenWay’s AOR award ort for GreenWay’s AOR award submissionsubmission. “Oregon is . “Oregon is fortunate to have such a cuttingfortunate to have such a cutting--edge recycler hard at work for the environment.” edge recycler hard at work for the environment.”

GreenWay has the distinction of having the highest recycling rates in the Portland metro region
GreenWay has the distinction of having the highest recycling rates in the Portland metro region of any of any C & D C & D materials recovery facility. materials recovery facility. It’s also the It’s also the only Recycling Certification Institute (RCI)only Recycling Certification Institute (RCI) LEED certified facility in OregonLEED certified facility in Oregon.

The AOR award is the second major professional honor GreenWay has received in the past few months, having earned CDRA’s 2024 Recycler of the Year Award in January.

GreenWay Public Relations Representative Dawn Phillips 503.750.1764 [email protected]
About GreenWay
GreenWay Recycling operates an innovative mixed construction and demolition (C&D) sorting and processing facility in Northwest Portland with the highest recovery rates in the region. We believe it’s important to use the right technology and techniques to transform mixed debris into valuable commodities ensuring as little waste as possible is reaching landfills. Join us as we develop new ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle! www.GreenWay.net

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